Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SEO Article Marketing - Write and Submit Online Articles to Make Massive Cash!

When you write and distribute articles on the Internet effectively, you will receive free natural listings on major search engines like Google, Yahoo! and MSN. Pay per click campaigns, email advertising, newsletters and other types of online promotion can cost you thousands of dollars and not deliver any better results than writing and submitting articles to an online article directory like EzineArticles.com

You don't have to be an expert writer to do this. You just have to have something to say and be willing to say it like you're talking to a friend. Imagine that you want to teach your good friend how to do something that you know well - say, basket weaving. If you know how to weave a mean basket - well, then you could probably tell your friend in a way that he or she can understand. That's all you have to do!

Sit down at your keyboard and start typing out polite instructions that describe the methodology of one of your particular skill sets. Once you get a rough draft prepared, then it's time to polish it up a bit. Here are some tips for doing that:

Go through your document and rephrase any sentences in that contain the word "I". It's a bad mistake that you don't want to make.

Also try to not use the following words: thing or things, ain't, me, my, gonna, etc.

Locate and eliminate any and all words used in an overly-repetitive fashion. Be versatile.

Always use a spell checker. It doesn't matter if you think that you are a spelling bee champion. Use it anyway.

Have somebody proof read the document for you. Sometimes your mind is incapable of spotting its own mistakes. The person doesn't have to be a good writer; they just have to know how to read.

Most word processing software will have an option to select synonyms for a given word. Use the option. This is a great way to dress up your vocabulary. Don't try to use big & fancy words though. Use words that fit the context. If they happen to be fancy, well that's OK.

Think of yourself as the reader of the document as well as the writer. You will not maintain the interest of your reader if your prose doesn't flow.

That's really about all you need to know. Take what you know and write it in pleasant terms like you were talking to your friend. Avoid some common pitfalls. Do a little polishing and voila! You have an article worth publishing that will bring free, targeted traffic to your website. That is the goal! When you drive targeted traffic to your website, you are more likely to make sales. Making sales makes you cash. If one article drives X amount of traffic and produces Y amount of sales, then three articles will sell three times as much for you. Nice!

Now get to writing and make some massive cash!

Alan M Roberts is a full time freelance writer and web developer. He is always available for consultation through his web site at http://www.10-4Life.com Visit him there often and find reasons to live!

Check out my perfectly-rated Guru profile here: http://profile.guru.com/892849

Check out my perfectly-rated Elance profile here:


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